Saturday, November 6, 2010

Four Followers?

I think my eyes must be malfuctioning. Four followers in one day, really? This is fantastic, as my other blog was follower-less for about two weeks. Wow, but I love you guys! I'll try and make this blog more visually appealing too, add some extra information and such.

This is a rather tragic start to a new blog though, weight wise. I've stayed firmly put at 117 llbs. I'm not calling it a plateu yet because it's only been there for two days, and I have to admit I haven't been eating very well. But that will all change. I read a girl's post on Tumblr which goes:
'I get thousands of questions asking me how I’m doing this..
well here’s the answer.

I don’t give up.
I dont step on the scale and see 10 pounds gone and go reward myself with a bigmac meal from mcdonalds, I don’t think that because I did well yesterday I can enjoy a chocolate bar or bowl of pasta today, I don’t make excuses and say “I Messed up today, I’ll start again tomorrow (or next week)”, and I don’t binge.

If you want it THAT BAD, then you will do ANYTHING you’ve got to do to get there. No tomorrow, or next week, or the first of next month, no - NOW, right now'

I think her way of doing this is amazing. I don't reward myself for losing, but I do binge, and that does have to change. I want this bad, so bad. And really, I've been fooling myself saying ' oh, one day where I get to enjoy food - it doesn't matter ' But it does, it matters so much. I don't want to start over tomorrow, or next week - I'm starting now, and I won't stop. No binges, no nothing. Whenever I feel like binging I will read that post and cringe at my own weakness, and then not binge. If it works - no, when it works, I will thank her endlessly, and I will, for once, be thin and controlled as I have been striving to be.

Love xx.


  1. amen. the only reward i give myself is seeing the change in the mirror&that's plenty for me to keep going. thanks for the sweet comment. how tall are you? i ask that question often&tend to forget the answer so i apologize if i've asked before. stay strong, little lady.

  2. Hell Amen to that.
    :) Stay strong honey,
    Looking forward to read your upcoming blogs,

    Love ,x

  3. Gosh, you are an inspiration. Truly.

  4. i'm so jealous of your strength! i'm the type that says if i finish this day on track or get to the end of this fast i can have some pasta...but i guess it's what keeps me going.
    stay strong x

  5. Look it's amy^ yay!

    Anyways hello new follower I love your blog and this post! you asked me how I restrained and honestly it's hard as hell and I fkk up all the time but I always kick my ass for it and put my head on straight. I look forward to your next post! :) xoxox stay thin!

  6. Here here! Ps i think we're basically the same, i'm 165 cm and 52.5 kg/117 lbs. freaky deaky.
    stay strong iron woman
    xx claude
